Is a 20 Year Old AC Better Than a New AC? - An Expert's Perspective

Older HVAC units tend to be less efficient than newer models. Learn how modern air conditioning systems are more efficient and how much money you can save by upgrading from an expert's perspective.

Is a 20 Year Old AC Better Than a New AC? - An Expert's Perspective

Older HVAC units tend to be less efficient than newer models, and as they age, wear and tear further reduces their efficiency. As technology in the HVAC industry has improved, newer models have become increasingly energy efficient. The first thing any upgrade will do is reduce energy consumption. A 20-year-old air conditioning system could consume 6 kWh of electricity to cool an average-sized home.

A modern air conditioning system, however, could cool that same house with just 1.71 kWh of electricity. This incredible performance is made possible by advanced features, such as the two-stage scroll compressor, which has replaced the old single-stage piston-driven compressors of the past. According to the Department of Energy, the average lifespan of an air conditioning system in the United States is 15 to 20 years. However, in Florida, the life expectancy of the system can be much lower due to the fact that we use our air conditioners almost all year round and they are exposed to high levels of humidity, salt water and sulfur, which take their toll over time.

This results in an average life expectancy of between 10 and 12 years. If you upgrade your 15-year-old 12 SEER unit to a 16-year SEER2 unit, you can expect potential savings in cooling costs of 40% per year. In most cases, the operating efficiency of an air conditioner decreases over time (or due to poor maintenance). So, after fifteen years, your 12 SEER air conditioner could be operating close to the 10 SEER level.

This means you could save about 68% per year in cooling costs if you were upgraded to a 16 SEER2 system. Upgrade to a system with an even higher SEER2 rating and your potential savings will increase. Air conditioners don't last forever, but sometimes they can work up to 20 years with proper maintenance. Because age makes air conditioners less efficient, you should consider replacing your old unit, especially if there have been signs of problems. The fact is that older air conditioners are less efficient than current newer models.

According to Energy Star, you should consider replacing your air conditioner if it is more than 10 years old, and you should also seriously consider replacing the air conditioner if it is more than 15 years old, as this is the average lifespan of most cooling devices. A lot of people say that new air conditioning systems are more efficient than the old ones. Hopefully, we've explained how they're more efficient. Now you know what components or aspects of HVAC systems are better now. The older systems were solidly built and lasted a long time.

However, modern air conditioning systems are manufactured more innovatively, so it is possible to save money and be comfortable.

Saundra Meynard
Saundra Meynard

Infuriatingly humble web nerd. Wannabe tv expert. Hipster-friendly internet fanatic. Avid social mediaholic. Professional travel specialist. Proud travel aficionado.