How Long Does an Air Conditioner Last in Florida? A Guide for Residents

Learn how long an air conditioner lasts in Florida and how to extend its life with regular maintenance and filter changes.

How Long Does an Air Conditioner Last in Florida? A Guide for Residents

When it comes to air conditioners, Florida residents know that they need to be prepared for the hot and humid weather. But how long does an air conditioning system last in the Sunshine State? The answer depends on the type of air conditioner you have and how well you maintain it. If you have a window unit, you can expect it to last about 10 years. Central air conditioning systems may last up to 15-20 years, depending on how often you use it, how well you care for it, and how often you schedule maintenance by an HVAC technician.

It's important to remember that if your air conditioner isn't getting regular service, it will have to work harder and use more energy to do its job. This can lead to a decrease in efficiency and faster wear and tear. To ensure your air conditioner lasts as long as possible, it's recommended that you have it serviced every 6 months by a qualified HVAC technician. Additionally, replacing air filters at least every 3 months is something you can do yourself to extend the life of your investment. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your air conditioner will last for many years in Florida's hot and humid climate.

Regular maintenance and filter changes will help keep your system running efficiently and extend its life. If you're ever unsure of what steps to take, contact a local HVAC technician for advice.

Saundra Meynard
Saundra Meynard

Infuriatingly humble web nerd. Wannabe tv expert. Hipster-friendly internet fanatic. Avid social mediaholic. Professional travel specialist. Proud travel aficionado.